I am not sure exactly what the problem was, but we do know that she had an infection of some kind. Her white blood count was sky high and she was vomiting to the point that she was dehydrated. She is doing great now and awaiting her tonsillectomy on December 4. Her tonsils are huge; just like Miranda's at that age. When Miranda had her tonsils removed her health improved dramatically. Hopefully the same thing will happen for Abby.
Now back to Halloween:
Halloween brought Abby the Super Woman; Skyler the Ninja; and Brooklynn the Dalmatian. Now, who could be cuter than my grandkids?
In Indiana we celebrated the night before Trick or Treating with dinner and games. We played "Hotter-Colder" to find hidden bones and constructed a skeleton. We had balloon races and wrapped mummies in toilet paper.
For dinner we had Mummies (hot dogs wrapped in bread stick dough and baked); Worms on a Bun (hot dogs cut into thin strips and served on a roll with toppings); a Graveyard (hummus ground with broccoli, and celery trees, pretzel fence had boiled egg ghosts, and cracker tomb stones). Our drink was a family favorite - Witches Brew (lime sherbet, grape juice, and lemon-lime soda). We also had potato Salad that didn't have a special Halloween name; I was just in the mood.
In Washington state some of the Halloween activities were field trips and carving pumpkins (including Brooklynn tasting the goop from inside the pumpkin.
Halloween is GREAT!
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